Association «Inganzo Gakondo»
  • Санкт-Петербург, Невский пр., д.84/86, лит.Б, пом. 18-Н м. "Маяковская"

Happy New Year – Rénépét Néférét!

Dear friends – Members of the Association «Inganzo Gakondo», friends and all acquaintances of the African diaspora!

Happy New Year 2020 and New Decade!

The past 2019 was for us both difficult and fruitful!

We are pleased to have completed it. Many thanks to all who supported us – helped financially and morally, assisted in resolving administrative issues and in finding a way out of the difficult situation of our beneficiaries. Many thanks to everyone who read our posts gave feedback, remembered and participated in our events.

We continue our routs, moving further towards achieving our goals and the objectives arising from them!

In 2020, «Ancestral Career» will be 1 year from the date of acquisition of legal entity status! We are seriously preparing to celebrate this event – we put forward new initiatives, develop interesting programs and projects, attract new partners and actively participate in promoting cooperation between the peoples of the Russian Federation and different African countries.

We intend to continue to apply the experience of interaction with you in various spheres of life. We will try to continue to work on ourselves in order to create the most competent team in our activities. We will share with you news, achievements and new initiatives aimed at ambitious achievements!

Our cherished dream is to achieve such harmony in a Society where our beneficiaries will notice a daily improvement in their lives. And we promise ourselves to make more efforts to bring more benefits to each person who applies to the Association «Inganzo Gakondo»!

With the wishes of Good Health, more prosperity and all kinds of Successes in Everyday Life,

President of Direction Bureau of the Association «Inganzo Gakondo» Tulikunkiko Fransua Ksavie

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