Association «Inganzo Gakondo»
  • Санкт-Петербург, Невский пр., д.84/86, лит.Б, пом. 18-Н м. "Маяковская"

The first Russia-Africa Summit has opened new horizons

The first Russia-Africa summit has opened new horizons for both the Russian Federation and African countries. It was held in Sochi on October 23-24, 2019, where President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the African Union and President of Egypt Fattah Al-Sisi gathered official representatives of 54 African countries. 45 heads of state and government arrived from Africa.

In addition to senior officials from Africa and Russia, about 6,000 people from different spheres of life gathered in Sochi. They took part in the Russia-Africa economic forum, which was held on the sidelines of this historic summit. Here were government officials, business people, representatives of public associations, religious organizations and the media, as well as private entrepreneurs.

The scale of these events is emphasized by their exceptional handwriting in the history of Russian-African relations. All participants in the events have discovered new horizons. This helps to strengthen existing relations and, of course, create new areas of Russian-African cooperation.

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