Association «Inganzo Gakondo»
  • Санкт-Петербург, Невский пр., д.84/86, лит.Б, пом. 18-Н м. "Маяковская"

The Russia-Africa Summit has its own website on the Internet

Since August 26, 2019, the Russia-Africa Summit has its own website on the Internet. The opening of this resource was announced by the Roscongress Foundation.

Speaking about the need to open a such high-quality Internet platform, Anton Kobyakov, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation and Executive Secretary of the Russia-Africa Summit Organizing Committee, noted that its opening marks the transition to the most active stage of the preparation of the Summit and Economic Forum Russia-Africa, which will held on October 23-24, 2019 in the city of Sochi.

The official website of the Summit and Economic Forum Russia-Africa is available in 5 languages ​​- Russian, English, French, Portuguese and Arabic. The site has 9 main (parent) pages: 1) About Summit; 2) About Forum; 3) partners; 4) programme; 5) media; 6) transport; 7) contractors; 8) news and 9) contacts. Most of them have child pages that open in a submenu when you click on the parent page.

Of course, the multilingualism of this resource is caused by the need to create working conditions with representatives of African countries who are invited to Sochi. After all, participants are registered here, here is all the relevant information about the Russia-Africa summit and the events planned on its margins.

This resource has published a lot of fresh and useful material. Therefore, we invite you to visit the site for details about the Summit and Economic Forum Russia-Africa.

Members of the African diaspora in Russia are not indifferent to this historic event: Africans in Russia began to actively prepare for the Summit Russia-Africa in Sochi since May 2019. Now it has become easier for many, since the summit Russia-Africa has its own website on the Internet, where everyone is willing to receive various information and services.

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